Today, we continue to review admationfeatures that assist teams working remotely, with our focus on Agency Traffic and Project Managers.
Regardless of the title, Agency Traffic and Project Managers are ultimately responsible for managing the workflows, resources and budgets of campaigns or marketing projects. Some of their challenges include; a lack of transparency across projects, high revision counts, delayed approvals, tracking and allocating resources and budget blowouts. Without theability to physically meet with the team orprompt someone in the coffee/breakout room, in many cases these challenges have become greater.
So, lets have a look atfive admationfeaturesthat willassist them managing projects and resources remotely and ultimately streamline marketing workflow, ensuring their projects stayon track.
Read more The 2019 Inhouse Creative Industry Report by Boss and Cella has unearthed some interesting results this year. The report surveyed 425 leaders in both creative teams and inhouse agencies to find where efficiencies and challenges loom across the industry.
To understand the magnitude of content production today, the report provides a section outlining project turnover according to team size.
For example, last year 25% of teams comprised of more than 50 people churned out between 2,000 and 2,999 projects. In a Goliath effort, 21% of teams with 30-50 people completed somewhere between 3,000 and 3,999 projects. Medium sized teams of 11-30 people were hardly twiddling their thumbs, with 31% producing between 1,000 and 1,999 projects.
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