The Dilemma and The Fix Series - Part 4:
The DilemmaJames is Head of Marketing and currently doing the annual budget for his department. Since ramping up operations, he has no idea how much time is being spent on projects. He checks the Marketing Resources Calendar saved on the server, but finds there are five indistinct versions. With the clock ticking, he?s tempted to go ?eeny meenyminy mo?, but he?s fairly certain this is not a sound strategy.
He calls his Marketing Manager instead, only to find none of the spreadsheets is current. She?ll email an updated version in twenty minutes but two hours later, with no update, James is losinghis head.When the email finally arrives, he discovers a project has fallen off the calendar. He also notices that while some resources are overloaded others appear to be enjoying a daily siesta. James, meanwhile, has developed a major headache.
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