6 ways to become a more productive ad agency head!
By Jodie Byass
Productivity in the workplace is a subject that is garnering a lot of attention at the moment. Constant interruptions, such as checking emails, endless meetings and urgent tasks, are reportedly decreasing productivity and the quality of output. As the head of an ad agency, I?m sure you know the frustration of dealing with day-to-day operational or compliance issues that preside over your own work.
Here are some tips on how to increase your productivity and set an example for others to follow.
1. Plan and prioritise your work.
It sounds too simple to be true, but the most productive agency leaders sit down and plan their week carefully. In addition to prioritising urgent work, this means also setting aside time to follow up on leads and perform tasks that enhance the agency?s overall competitiveness. As work priorities change from day to day, stay on top of your work by reviewing the plan on a daily basis.
2. Eliminate disruptors from your work day.
While multi-tasking has always been considered an essential skill at work, research shows that interruptions are forcing workers to juggle too many tasks. To avoid disruptors, make sure you set aside blocks of time where you can give your full attention to a task. Make sure you tell others that you are not to be interrupted during these times. Additionally avoid checking emails or answering the phone. If need be, close your door or put a ?Do not disturb? sign on your desk, and switch your phone to ?busy?.
3. Make sure your creative team is using ad agency management software so that you?re not interrupted with project issues.
An effective ad agency mangement software looks a lot like this: standardised brief templates are used to provide a comprehensive outline of the project; artwork approvals go to the right person at the right time; feedback is sent to the creative team in one hit; artwork revisions are kept to a minimum; and the project stays on deadline and on budget. All of which means that you?re less likely to be interrupted with issues that arise form poorly managed approval workflow, like non-compliance or excessive revisions.
4. Implement approval workflow software to avoid operational or compliance issues.A sure way to eradicate operational or compliance issues is to implement technology that streamlines your creative team?s approval workflow. Approval workflow software, for example, takes much of the tedious administration out of managing projects. Additionally, it provides brief templates, automated approvals and reminders, online proofing tools and the ability to batch feedback. By refining the approval workflow for your creative team, you can get on with your own work without having to put out spot fires or manage a public relations nightmare for non-compliance.
5. Put perimeters around your availability and time.
When you?re a leader at an ad agency, you?re constantly in demand. Before you even get to your desk in the morning, someone has a question or requires your input on something. Try to avoid the habit of getting side tracked at the start of your day. Set up a routine whereby you settle in at your desk and plan your day. Perhaps offer a time mid morning for half an hour when you can field questions and provide feedback to others.
6. Trust that your creative team can do their job well.
The members of your creative team were employed based on their outstanding skills and acumen. So trust that they have the initiative and expertise to deal with much of the day-to-day operations and issues that arise during creative projects. If you do find you have to micro-manage certain team members, then it might be time to consider you don?t have all the right people on board.
If you think your agency is ready to implement software, download our white paper to help you select the right software agency management software.